Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thank God, It was not me

"Thank God, It was not me"
the Farmer said, "It was
the sheep"

Electric Fence and Sheep Hungry Python
Dinesh Vora

Monday, June 11, 2007

Industry News

2 headed turtle

Amazing dutch architecture

Beleive it or not real life story

Backing up excel files

Body after 122 years

Crocodile oooooooooooooooops

Culcutta in 1945

City at sea plans for worlds largest

Denden ship sunk in mangalore

Facts about bill gates

Google tops new list of worlds most

Google 2080

Google earth april fools joke

How can we forget how ltte terrorists

Invention corner

Infys first recruitment ad in 1991

Kerala airways new low budget airline

Look at these real pics-and realize

Ltte is terrorist group banned

Lover boy president of america

Mangalore violence some more pics oct

Man who shot steveirwin

Piercing 3

Pope tribute to slain italiannun

Peace talks on north east is without

Please give wide publicity bank

Prince of wells

Real iraq war

School girls with guns in hands and

Sex drugs rock roll employees of bpo

Turning torso malm sweden

Welcome buch

Willard wigen microscopic art


Hollywood in 2040

Bipasha basus dreams came true


Continental takes world speed record

Extreme tattoos

Most expensive car


Amazing but true pictures

Body tattoos

Backing up excel

Beauties of roadslet them

Bulls fighting

Can you do this

Elephant polo tournament in galle

Great sense of humour

History of shit

Innovative ads

Jellyfish invasion

Nice food for breakfast

Piercing 3


Puzzle of 4 criminals

Surpirsing rock

Tow bikes

Turning torso facts architect santiago

Turning torso

Ur name tells lot abt uchck out

What have you hooked

What is paper creativity


Air canada

Butterfly man

Can you do like this

Candidates for that is not my job

Drive carefully while on air

Elephant polo tournament in galle

Four laged chicken

Google earth april fools joke

Have u done these in ur childhood

It happens only in china

Red binder

Surpirsing rock

Snakes on plane

Toilet paper wedding dresses

What is problem

Want to buy some new furniture



Extreme airport on island of saba

Dubai height

Rocket belt

Reconstructing lost history pyramid

Most expensive

Continental takes world speed record

Toyotas i swing